Saturday, October 16, 2021

U.S. House Special Elections

Currently, there are three vacancies in the U.S. House. Two of them in Ohio will be filled on Election Day in November. Informally, we will also know after that night who will be serving a district in Florida. However, that will be because of a primary result. The official general election will not be until January 11 of next year. However, I feel like I can go ahead and predict the victorious party at least in that district and get it out of the way.

vacant upon death of Alcee Hastings (D)
won by Biden with 77% of the vote

Safe D (Tossup Hardy)
vacant upon resignation of Marcia Fudge (D)
won by Biden with 80% of the vote

Safe D

vacant upon resignation of Steve Stivers (R)
won by Trump with 56% of the vote
Leans R