Monday, October 29, 2012

U.S. House Predictions-Part XIX

8 Days Until Election Day



1. Suzan DelBene D vs. John Koster R (Obama 56%)- Tossup (D)-(both regular and special)
2. Rick Larsen D vs. Dan Matthews R (Obama 60%)- Likely D
3. Jon Haugen D vs. Jamie Herrera Beutler R (Obama 51%)- Safe R
4. Mary Baechler D vs. Doc Hastings R (McCain 59%)- Safe R
5. Rich Cowan D vs. Cathy McMorris Rodgers R (McCain 51%)- Likely R
6. Derek Kilmer D vs. Bill Driscoll R (Obama 57%)- Likely D
7. Jim McDermott D vs. Ron Bemis R (Obama 80%)- Safe D
8. Karen Porterfield D vs. Dave Reichert R (Obama 51%)- Likely R
9. Adam Smith D vs. Jim Postma R (Obama 69%)- Safe D
10. Denny Heck D vs. Dick Muri R (Obama 57%)- Likely D

WA current: 5 D, 4 R
WA predicted: 6 D, 4 R

Current total: 189 D, 234 R
184 D (99 Safe, 59 Likely, 18 Leans, 8 Tossup)
239 R (131 Safe, 71 Likely, 21 Leans, 16 Tossup)

West Virginia

1. Sue Thorn D vs. David McKinley R (McCain 57%)- Safe R
2. Howard Swint D vs. Shelley Moore Capito R (McCain 55%)- Safe R
3. Nick Rahall II D vs. Rick Snuffer R (McCain 56%)- Leans D

WV current: 1 D, 2 R
WV predicted: 1 D, 2 R

Current total: 190 D, 236 R
185 D (99 Safe, 59 Likely, 19 Leans, 8 Tossup)
241 R (133 Safe, 71 Likely, 21 Leans, 16 Tossup)


1. Rob Zerban D vs. Paul Ryan R (Obama 51%)- Likely R*
2. Mark Pocan D vs. Chad Lee R (Obama 70%)- Safe D
3. Ron Kind D vs. Ray Boland R (Obama 59%)- Likely D
4. Gwen Moore D vs. Dan Sebring R (Obama 74%)- Safe D
5. Dave Heaster D vs. Jim Sensenbrenner R (McCain 57%)- Safe R
6. Joe Kallas D vs. Tom Petri R (McCain 49%)- Safe R
7. Pat Kreitlow D vs. Sean Duffy R (Obama 53%)- Leans R
8. Jamie Wall D vs. Reid Ribble R (Obama 54%)- Likely R

Paul Ryan is of course also running for Vice President. In making this prediction, I am not taking into account any special election that might be necessary for a vacancy after the election, for this district or any other across the country

WI current: 3 D, 5 R
WI predicted: 3 D, 5 R

Current total: 193 D, 241 R
188 D (101 Safe, 60 Likely, 19 Leans, 8 Tossup)
246 R (135 Safe, 73 Likely, 22 Leans, 16 Tossup)


1. Chris Henrichschen D vs. Cynthia Lummis R (McCain 65%)- Safe R

WY current: 0 D, 1 R
WY predicted: 0 D, 1 R

Current total: 193 D, 242 R

188 D (101 Safe, 60 Likely, 19 Leans, 8 Tossup)
247 R (136 Safe, 73 Likely, 22 Leans, 16 Tossup)

Republican Net Gain= 5 seats

To be revised on Monday