Rhode Island U.S. Senate Race
Race of the Day
Rhode Island U.S. Senate
September 28, 2008
37 Days Until Election Day
Status: Democrat Incumbent
2004 Presidential Result: Blue State (East)
Outlook: Safe Democrat
That there is a U.S. Senate contest in Rhode Island this year may come as a surprise to many political observers outside the state and perhaps within it as well.
Democrat Jack Reed, who was mentioned by some as a potential running-mate for Barack Obama and still as a potential Cabinet appointee (although Rhode Island has a Republican Governor would would appoint a replacement), is seeking his third term in the upper chamber of Congress.
His Republican opponent is a casino worker named Bob Tingle, whose last foray into politics was when he was defeated six years ago as the sacrificial lamb against Reed. Considering the heavily Democrat nature of the state in federal races, Tingle's unorthodox views for a Republican on issues such as decriminalization of marijuana, and the lack of much of a campaign structure, expect a repeat of 2002 and an easy win for Senator Reed.
Tingle campaign link (what else am I supposed to do?)
2008 U.S. Senate races predicted: 12D, 15 R
Predicted Senate balance of power thus far: 51 D, 41 R