American Idol Top 10 Rankings
I did not really love anything on the show tonight, despite some solid performances. I preferred last year's Elton John theme to this year's Billy Joel theme. And Tommy Hilfiger and all his creepiness can stay off my tv forever. What in the world was Idol thinking with that?
10. Heejun Han C+
9. Skylar Laine C+
8. DeAndre Brackensick B-
7. Colton Dixon B-
6. Erika Van Pelt B
5. Joshua Ledet B+
4 Hollie Cavanagh B+
3. Phillip Phillips B+
2. Jessica Sanchez B+
1. Elise Testone B+
We are at the point where the elimination of anybody seems harder to predict. My guess is that Erika Van Pelt, who I generally would like to hear more from, will be the bottom vote getter.
If I were running American Idol, that election would have a consequence, but I think we may very well see the judges "save" their first ever female tomorrow night.