American Idol 2014 Preview
Tomorrow night, the 13th season of American Idol will enter the live performance phase of the season. I am looking forward to it as I think this could be a good year for the franchise. It seems to me that there are many talented singers in the competition, as well as many others who were sent home.
For the past six seasons, I have provided coverage of the seasons on this blog and will do my best to follow suit this year. However, this is probably going to be a season where my time will be a lot more limited. It is up in the air as to whether or not I will actually be able to watch the performances and/or results shows on the individual weeknights, but I will do the best I can. I may just have to try to watch and offer rankings and predictions, and then have a more in depth review over what happened when I get a few minutes on the weekend to catch up on things and post my thoughts.
Starting off though, the reason I have to do this post is that Idol has brought about a first time occurrence. The American public is voting to fill the final male spot in the semi-finals between two singers named Ben Briley and Neco Starr. The voting is simply going to take part on what the public has seen on the audition and Hollywood episodes. There was no "sing-off" and no fully presented live performance. This seems a bit unfair in some ways and since there were not formal performances to "judge", I am going to withhold saying who should advance or to otherwise comment on the two hopefuls. However, I will just predict here that the vote is probably going to go in favor of Ben Briley.
Anyways, if I have time to post tomorrow night about the Top 15 Females, I will do so. Hopefully, I can at least watch the show.
Last year, the females were really the only extremely talented performers on the show. This year, there is far more of a fair gender mix, and thus a male is probably going to win once again.
After what we have seen thus far this season, my early "frontrunner" to win is Sam Woolf. However, the contestant that I will probably enjoy the most, (but who has no chance of winning) is rocker Caleb Johnson.