Romney Beats Obama
Each year, millions and millions of Americans (not usually including myself) fill out brackets for the NCAA Men's Basketball Championship. is considered the largest collector of such tournament predictions.
For years, Barack Obama has talked about what an expert on college basketball he is. He seems to spend hours pouring over the brackets (for both men and women) and offering predictions to SportsCenter in the Oval Office. He has seemed to spend more time and put more thought into "Barack-ology" than just about anything else he does as President.
This year, Obama's bracket is largely busted. He had the previously undefeated Kentucky Wildcats winning it all, as many others did, but that is not to be, and Obama's predictions are in the 40 percentile range of the ESPN challenge, largely matching his Presidential job approval numbers.
On the other hand, the candidate that Obama defeated in the 2012 Presidential election has been riding pretty high with this March Madness thing. In past years, Romney has said that he does not really do the bracket thing because he does not follow college basketball closely enough. (I can relate.) However, he filled out a bracket this year and not only is Mitt Romney deservedly in the Top 1 percent in regards to his wealth, he is in the Top 1 percent as well as far as his picks. Governor Romney picked every team in the Final Four and had Wisconsin advancing to face Duke for the title tonight. The Mittster is picking Duke and Coach K to win it all once again tonight. I would be fine with that outcome, as I admire Duke and have always considered their haters on par with those who hold contempt for the GOP. However, there is also much to like about this year's Wisconsin team, including some ties to Chicago, so I would be ok with them capping off a good story by winning tonight as well. However, it's just tough for me to root for anything from Wisconsin or being on the same side as anyone who might wear a Cheesehead.
It just has to be written though how successful Mitt Romney has done with his bracket this year and how far superior he is to the failed prognosticator in the Oval Office. If only Mitt Romney were the person presiding over our nation's economy and foreign policy, we would indeed be far better off.