Monday, November 01, 2010

Final Election 2010 Prediction Updates and Totals


CT- Tossup (R)- change from Tossup (D)
VT- Tossup (D)- change from Tossup (R)

Current total: 26 D, 24 R
New totals:
17 D (7 Holder, 1 Safe, 1 Likely, 4 Leans, 4 Tossup)
1 I (1Tossup)
32 R (6 Holdover, 7 Safe, 10 Likely, 6 Leans, 3 Tossup)

Democrat net loss of 9, Republican net gain of 8

U.S. Senate:

CT- Leans D- change from Likely D
KY-Likely R- change from Leans R
NH- Likely R- change from Leans R

Going to stick to my guns on the WV prediction, but that will be the one I will most likely be wrong on.

Current total: 59 D, 41 R
50 D (40 Holdover, 4 Safe, 3 Likely, 1 Leans, 2 Tossup)
50 R (23 Holdover, 11 Safe, 8 Likely, 5 Leans, 3 Tossup)

Republican net gain of 9

U.S. House:


4. Jim Himes D (Obama 60%)- Tossup (D)- change from Leans D


1. Chellie Pingree D (Obama 61%)- Leans D- change from Likely D
2. Michael Michaud D (Obama 55%)- Leans D- change from Likely D


8. James Oberstar D (Obama 53%)- Tossup (D)- change from Leans D


3. Dina Titus D (Obama 55%)- Leans R- change from Tossup (R)

New Mexico

1. Martin Heinrich D (Obama 60%)- Tossup (D)- change from Leans D

North Carolina

2. Bob Etheridge D (Obama 52%)- Tossup (D)- change from Leans D

Rhode Island

1. Open (Patrick Kennedy D)- (Obama 65%)- Tossup (D)- change from Leans D


2. Jim Matheson D (McCain 58%)-Leans D- change from Tossup (D)

Current total: 256 D, 179 R
204 D (103 Safe, 46 Likely, 32 Leans, 23 Tossup)
231 R (142 Safe, 37 Likely, 27 Leans, 25 Tossup)

Republican net gain of 52

I am already entered into a predictions contest, so I will stick to the total I will have. My final prediction will just be to say that this will likely be my worst prediction cycle yet, as I am probably underestimating the coming Republican wave.

G-d Bless America and G-d Bless the Grand Old Party.