Presidential Power Rankings # 4
January 24, 2007
The top 14 contenders in each party ranked by the likelihood of winning their party's nomination as of this date.
The Democrat Party:
1. Hillary Rodham Clinton (1)
2. Barack Obama (2)
3. John Edwards (3)
4. Al Gore (4)
5. Bill Richardson (5)
6. Tom Vilsack (6)
7. Joe Biden (7)
8. Chris Dodd (8)
9. Dennis Kucinich (10)
10. Wes Clark (11)
11. Al Sharpton (12)
12. Mark Warner (13)
13. John Kerry (9)
14. Mike Gravel (14)
The shakeup towards the middle to bottom of the list occurs with the not entirely unexpected announcement by John Kerry that he will not seek his party’s nomination once again. However, since this is John Kerry we are talking about, a flip flop is always possible, and thus he will remain in the top 14.
The Republican Party:
1. John McCain (1)
2. Mitt Romney (2)
3. Rudy Giuliani (3)
4. Sam Brownback (5)
5. Mike Huckabee (4)
6. Newt Gingrich (6)
7. Tommy Thompson (7)
8. Jim Gilmore (8)
9. George Pataki (9)
10. Chuck Hagel (10)
11. Duncan Hunter (11)
12. Tom Tancredo (12)
13. Ron Paul (13)
14. John Cox (14)
The one GOP change made is that I have decided to flip flop the positioning of Brownback and Huckabee, now that Brownback is formally in the race and based on his impressive showing at the March for Life in Washington, D.C. this past week.