Wednesday, September 10, 2008

New Hampshire Governor Race

Race of the Day

New Hampshire Governor

September 10, 2008
55 Days Until Election Day

Status: Democrat Incumbent
2004 Presidential Result: Blue State (East)

Outlook: Safe Democrat

There was a time, as recently as last decade, when New Hampshire was rock ribbed Republican, both on the state and federal level. Since that time, Democrats have won almost all of New Hampshire's biennial elections for Governor and have taken over the legislature in 2006 as well. While the state will be hotly contested in races for the White House, U.S. Senate, and the state's two House seats, the reelection of Democrat John Lynch as Governor is basically a foregone conclusion.

Since defeating a first term Republican in 2004, Lynch has remained very popular as Governor and easily won a second term in 2006. There was some talk that he could be given a real race by the Republican Mayor of Manchester, but that figure ultimately did not seek the Governorship. Instead, the Republican candidate is State Senator Joe Kenney, who also served in the Iraq War. Kenney should run a credible race, but has very little chance of victory.

Kenney campaign link:

2008 Governor races predicted: 4 D, 1 R
Predicted Gubernatorial total thus far: 26 D, 18 R