The Next President...
A new year begins and with it a new focus for national politics. In 677 days, America will elect its 45th President. Needless to say, that man or woman will have a big job, and for those of us who feel that America's 44th President has been an abject failure, an important job to bring out change and reform.
That President needs to be a Republican and despite what some may say, the nomination of the Grand Old Party will be one worth having in 2016. The nation is divided and the general election will be competitive, but victory will be in our grasp.
Eight years ago today and then four years ago today, I wrote on this blog that I supported Mitt Romney, the former Governor of Massachusetts, in what were definitely impending runs for the White House. I have zero doubt that Romney was definitely the right candidate in both of those election cycles, in terms of being the best Republican candidate and as someone who would have been the best President.
Deciding to support a candidate for President is a big decision, even as early as this, and in those years past, I looked at Mitt Romney and saw the most electable candidate politically as well as the best possible President. He had a proven record of success both in and out of government and had demonstrated stellar character both in his public and private lives. Furthermore, his views on the areas of national security, economic matters, and social issues by and large matched mine. With all things taken into consideration, supporting Romney was a fairly easy decision.
On New Year's Day 2015, making a declarative endorsement is much tougher. This may simply take a while for me to reach a final conclusion, and I am comfortable with that reality. However, I maintain that the best possible GOP candidate and best possible President of the United States remains Mitt Romney.
If he runs, he can probably count on me once again. In a perfect world, he would, and America would be clamoring to right the wrong it committed in 2012. Tens of thousands of my fellow Americans want Mitt Romney to give a Presidential run one more chance, and count me among them. He has said though that he is not going to run, although the door has not fully been closed. At this time eight years and four years ago, the campaign announcement was impending. This time, if he eventually runs, it may take months, and demonstrated difficulties of other Republican candidates to get him in the race. If it comes to that, I am comforted that Governor Romney may be available on the sidelines.
The reality though is that the GOP field is likely to take shape in the weeks and months ahead without its former nominee. Many candidates will run, and others, who some may count on, will take themselves out of the field. Out of those who will be on stages in Iowa, New Hampshire, and across the country, some are simply not electable and would not be strong candidates.
I believe though that others who will run are going to have what it takes. Out of those who look like they are going to run, former Florida Governor Jeb Bush, today, looks like the best option to me.
Needless to say, I have supported Bushes for President before, and have been a fan of Jeb for many years. I think he would make an excellent President and will be a formidable Presidential candidate. The fact remains though that many conservative activists and intelligentsia are apoplectic about him. In the future, I may be able to go into further detail about just how wrong they are and why Jeb Bush would make a great President.
While I would have complete confidence of a President Jeb Bush in the Oval Office, and while I believe he would be a very good general election candidate, I have to admit that I have some doubts as to if he will be able to withstand all that he is likely to face in a marathon Presidential primary process. It is unlikely that Romney will run, as long as Bush looks to be the establishment favorite. As I have said though, if Mitt were to jump in because Jeb has faltered as a candidate, I will probably be willing to switch allegiances.
I suppose this entry can be described as a conditional Presidential endorsement of Jeb Bush, but unlike 2008 and 2012, I have to be willing to also consider other candidates if that is in the best interest of the party and the country. One that intrigues me greatly is Ohio Governor John Kasich.
Beyond Romney, Bush, and Kasich, I believe the party has other strong options. Some may run and some may not, but I would be amiss to not mention everybody whom I might be willing to consider down the road.
Wisconsin Congressman Paul Ryan, the man chosen by Romney to be his 2012 running-mate is already a national leader and his future is beyond bright. I believe the same can be said about Florida Senator Marco Rubio. Governors such as Scott Walker of Wisconsin, Rick Snyder of Michigan, Susanna Martinez of New Mexico, and Bobby Jindal of Louisiana all have political pluses and minuses, but all have strong conservative records, demonstrated political success, and deep intelligence and convictions. Two more United States Senators have said they are not going to seek the nomination in 2016, but in an unconventional type of cycle, it might be totally premature to shut the door on Rob Portman of Ohio or John Thune of South Dakota.
So, as I conclude, while I am unable to say that I have found a candidate I will be with to the end, I am looking forward to the upcoming campaign and I am optimistic that my party will eventually pick the right candidate. I just hope that the person I eventually vote for in the 2016 Illinois primary, will be that person.
This race for the White House, will have tons of ups and downs for those in both parties who seek to replace Barack Obama. As I have done in the past, I am going to do my best to offer some thoughts on here every Saturday from now until the very end. That all begins in just a couple of days.