Holdover Governors
As I begin to prepare for all the 2016 Race of the Day features, here is a list of all the Governorships that are not up in this Presidential election year. This is not taking into account that any of the below people might wind up working in some sort of new job next year.
AL- Robert Bentley (R)
AK- Bill Walker (I-D)
AZ- Doug Ducey (R)
AR- Asa Hutchinson (R)
CA- Jerry Brown (D)
CO- John Hickenlooper (D)
CT- Dan Malloy (D)
FL- Rick Scott (R)
GA- Nathan Deal (R)
HI- David Ige (D)
ID- Butch Otter (R)
IL- Bruce Rauner (R)
IA- Terry Branstad (R)
KS- Sam Brownback (R)
KY- Matt Bevin (R)
LA- John Bel Edwards (D)
ME- Paul LePage (R)
MD- Larry Hogan Jr. (R)
MA- Charlie Baker (R)
MI- Rick Snyder (R)
MN- Mark Dayton (D)
MS- Phil Bryant (R)
NE- Pete Ricketts (R)
NV- Brian Sandoval (R)
NJ- Chris Christie (R)
NM- Susana Martinez (R)
NY- Andrew Cuomo (D)
OH- John Kasich (R)
OK- Mary Fallin (R)
PA- Tom Wolf (D)
RI- Gina Raimondo (D)
SC- Nikki Haley (R)
SD- Dennis Daugaard (R)
TN- Bill Haslam (R)
TX- Greg Abbott (R)
VA- Terry McAuliffe (D)
WI- Scott Walker (R)
WY- Matt Mead (R)
Holdover Governors:
11 Democrats
27 Republicans