Thursday, August 14, 2014

Race of the Day- Idaho U.S. Senate

82 Days Until Election Day

Status: Republican Incumbent
2012 Presidential Result: Red State (West)

Outlook: Safe Republican

There is not much drama this year in heavily Republican Idaho. While Butch Otter faced a serious primary challenge, his predecessor as Governor, Jim Risch, easily won the nomination for a second term. First elected in 2008, to fill the open stance of Larry Craig, Risch has been a fairly little noticed Senator nationally, but has garnered compliments from both sides of the aisle for his intellect.

There was not a major figure available for Democrats to try to challenge Risch with but their primary was won by attorney Nels Mitchell. Nobody really knows who he is, but it could have apparently been worse for Democrats in the Gem State, as the candidate that Mitchell beat in the primary was a guy from Brooklyn who allegedly had never even stepped foot in Idaho.

Mitchell and his campaign may try to paint Risch as being too far to the right, but the incumbent seems to suit the state just fine. He has a huge financial advantage on his opponent and the few polls available show him with an insurmountable lead. Risch is on his way towards another term in Washington, and he has barely even had to update his campaign website this year.

Risch campaign link:

Senate races predicted thus far: 3 D (2 Safe, 1 Tossup), 5 R (2 Safe, 2 Leans, 1 Tossup)
Overall predicted thus far: 37 D, 35 R (net Republican gain of 2)