Connecticut U.S. Senate- Race of the Day
91 Days Until Election Day
Connecticut U.S. Senate
Status: Democrat Incumbment
2016 Presidential Result: Blue State (East)
Outlook: Safe Democrat
Tonight, I have been watching some special election and primary results involving some very close races, but before the night is over, I need to write about a race where a primary will be held next Tuesday and one where the ultimate general election outcome will not be close.
Democrat Chris Murphy is seeking his second term in the U.S. Senate. He is one of the two dozen or so members of his party that get mentioned when discussing potential Presidential candidates for 2020. Murphy has certainly demonstrated political success in his state by defeating a longtime Republican incumbent for a House seat and then defeating a very wealthy, free-spending Republican opponent to capture a seat in the Senate. This has occurred though as his state has moved further and further to the left on the federal level. As would be expected, Murphy is very anti-Trump and pretty liberal across the board.
Two candidates will face off to oppose him in the fall election, though neither Republican is seen as anything close to "A list." There had been some talk that former Fox News anchor and Roger Ailes whistleblower Gretchen Carlson could be recruited into this contest, but that never occurred. Both of the GOP candidates in Connecticut have embraced Donald Trump and hope to capitalize in the primary for doing so.
The officially endorsed party candidate is Matthew Corey (not to be confused with Cory Matthews from the 90s sitcom "Boy Meets World.") A Navy veteran, who has worked as a window washer and bar owner, Corey has three times run for Congress in the heavily Democrat district centered on Hartford. His opponent is a computer sales executive and first time candidate named Dominic Rapini. Despite losing the party endorsement, he has been able to raise a good deal more money than Corey. It has been said to be a relatively mild campaign between the two men, with both focusing on attacking Murphy and not each other.
The official party endorsement may help Corey next week, but I actually have a feeling that in Connecticut, Rapini's Italian-sounding last name will be better for the ballot (and maybe for fans of Broccoli Rabe.) Whomever emerges will lose badly to Murphy in a race that will receive scant attention, both nationally and in the state.
U.S. Senate races predicted thus far: 2 D (2 Safe), 1 R (1 Tossup)
Total with predictions thus far:
25 D (23 holdovers, 2 Safe), 43 R (42 holdovers, 1 Tossup)