Holdover Governors
As we begin to look towards the statewide contests of 2020, here is a list of current Governors who will still be in place next year, as long as they do not get a new job.
AL- Kay Ivey R
AK- Mike Dunleavy R
AZ- Doug Ducey R
AR- Asa Hutchinson R
CA- Gavin Newsom D
CO- Jared Polis D
CT- Ned Lamont D
FL- Ron DeSantis R
GA- Brian Kemp R
HI- David Ige D
ID- Brad Little R
IL- JB Pritzker D
IA- Kim Reynolds R
KS- Laura Kelly D
KY- Andy Beshear D
LA- John Bel Edwards D
ME- Janet Mills D
MD- Larry Hogan R
MA- Charlie Baker R
MI- Gretchen Whitmer D
MN- Tim Walz D
MS- Tate Reeves R
NE- Pete Ricketts R
NV- Steve Sisolak D
NJ- Phil Murphy D
NM- Michelle Lujan Grisham D
NY- Andrew Cuomo D
OH- Mike DeWine R
OK- Kevin Stitt R
OR- Kate Brown D
PA- Tom Wolf D
RI- Gina Raimondo D
SC- Henry McMaster R
SD- Kristi Noem R
TN- Bill Lee R
TX- Greg Abbot R
VA- Ralph Northam D
WI- Tony Evers D
WY- Mark Gordon R
Holdover Governors:
20 Democrats
19 Republicans