Tuesday, November 11, 2014

NFL Week 10 Results

First of all, I hope everyone is having a great Veterans' Day and that we are mindful of those we are honoring. I would like to especially express my gratitude to two great Americans on this Veterans' Day; President George H.W. Bush and Senator Bob Dole.

It has now been a week since the 2014 midterm elections and I have a lot I would like to say. Various things have gotten in the way though and I have not had the time, but needless to say, I was very happy with the results! Just about everything I could have hoped for happened and there were even some pleasant surprises for me in my both my state of Illinois and across the country. Perhaps I may have a more formal post on the results in the days ahead, or I may just wait to offer my thoughts next month after I formally tally up all of my predictions.

When I do so, I will probably once again use the opportunity to tout my own horn. This was the best cycle yet for me and I really wonder if there is anybody else on the planet who did as well as I did this year in making picks, race by race. It is also hard to say that I was a Republican hack in those predictions, since the majority of the small amount I did get wrong, were won by the GOP.

So, while everything has been good on the politics front and my predictions were stellar, my season as an NFL fan has sure gone to hell. So have my picks, which are not really picks, but simply who I want to win the games. My political picks were at an all-time high, while this past week saw my NFL picks reach a new low. Oh well. The Chicago Bears have been a huge disappointment to all their fans this season, and even while they are still mathematically alive, things look quite bleak. At least there are three other major sports in town and I have a lot to be optimistic about with those teams. Plus, it's hard to complain too much after such a great midterm election.

Week 10

1.  Browns (5-3) at Bengals (5-2-1) L1
2. Chiefs (5-3) at Bills (5-3) L2
3. Dolphins (5-3) at Lions (6-2) L3
4. Cowboys (6-3) vs. Jaguars (1-8) in London L4
5. 49ers (4-4) at Saints (4-4) L5
6. Titans (2-6) at Ravens (5-4) L6
7. Steelers (6-3) at Jets (1-8) L7
8. Falcons (2-6) at Buccaneers (1-7) L8
9. Broncos (6-2) at Raiders (0-8) W1
10. Rams (3-5) at Cardinals (7-1) L9
11. Giants (3-5) at Seahawks (5-3) L10
12. Bears (3-5) at Packers (5-3) L11
13. Panthers (3-5-1) at Eagles (6-2) L12

Week 10 Results: 1-12 (8%)- I feel like the Chairman of the Democrat Senate Campaign Committee or something
Overall Results: 64-83 (44%)


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