Presidential Power Rankings # 24
June 13, 2007
This may be edition # 24, but I don't have Jack Bauer like time to waste, so let's just get right to it and maybe next week I will have some more time for additional brief comments on the state of the races.
1. Hillary Rodham Clinton (1)
2. Barack Obama (2)
3. John Edwards (3)
4. Al Gore (4)
5. Bill Richardson (5)
6. Joe Biden (6)
7. Chris Dodd (7)
8. Dennis Kucinich (8)
9. Mike Gravel (9)
10. Wesley Clark (10)
no changes
1. Mitt Romney (1)
2. Rudy Giuliani (2)
3. Fred Thompson (3)
4. John McCain (4)
5. Mike Huckabee (5)
6. Newt Gingrich (6)
7. Tommy Thompson (7)
8. Sam Brownback (8)
9. Duncan Hunter (9)
10. Tom Tancredo (10)
no changes here either
Jim Gilmore and Ron Paul are not pleased.
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