Presidential Power Rankings # 11
March 14, 2007
1. Hillary Rodham Clinton (1)
2. Barack Obama (2)
3. John Edwards (3)
4. Al Gore (4)
5. Bill Richardson (5)
6. Joe Biden (6)
7. Chris Dodd (7)
8. Dennis Kucinich (8)
9. Wesley Clark (new)
10. Mike Gravel (10)
The one and only change from last week, is that based on Al Sharpton's whining about Barack Obama ruining what would have been his plans to run in 2008, it now appears that the good Reverend is going to sit it out, and perhaps content himself with doing some of Hillary's dirty work against Obama. Thus, while the Democrat field looks pretty stable with 9 candidates running, in order to get to 10, I will re-add Wesley Clark, despite the fact that he probably will not run.
1. Rudy Giuliani (1)
2. Mitt Romney (2)
3. John McCain (3)
4. Fred Thompson (new)
5. Mike Huckabee (4)
6. Sam Brownback (5)
7. Newt Gingrich (6)
8. Duncan Hunter (7)
9. Tommy Thompson (8)
10. Jim Gilmore (9)
The big story in the GOP field this past weekend is the news that former Tennessee Senator and actor Fred Dalton Thompson is keeping the door open for a possible entry into the GOP Presidential field at a later date. Many conservatives around the blogosphere are quite giddy about the prospect. I like Fred Thompson and think he might have an intriguing political future, but I am not sure I understand the overly emotional reaction to this and I also still have serious doubts that he will run.
Nonetheless, I will place him all the way up at # 4. That is a statement at just how much distance is really between the "Big Three" of Giuliani, Romney, and McCain for the GOP and everyone else. It's kind of like Melinda and LaKisha on American idol.
So, with Fred Thompson making his debut and becoming the second Thompson here, (by the way who would have ever guessed back around 1994 or 1995 that Tommy Thompson would one day run for President and basically be considered a minor candidate)it may only be a matter of time before former Illinois Governor James Thompson jumps into the race.
Leaving the Power Rankings is Nebraska Senator Chuck Hagel, but I am announcing that I may have something to announce about him later on this year.
Romney is not ahead of McCain. Romney is 3rd.
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