Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Presidential Power Rankings # 9

February 28, 2007

As the four people who check out this feature weekly know, I have been struggling with setting a number of names to include in the power rankings. I want the numbers to be even for both parties, but frankly, there is more fluidity in the Republican race, and thus there seem to be more potential candidates for them (such as this week’s talk about a potential movement to draft Fred Thompson) than Democrats, who are starting to already drop out, such as Tom Vilsack did last week.

So, I have decided to streamline the power rankings into a Top Ten list for both parties. Some people will be left off, but that’s just the way it will go, and they will have to work mightily to move into the highly prestigious rankings.


1. Hillary Rodham Clinton (1)
2. Barack Obama (2)
3. John Edwards (3)
4. Al Gore (4)
5. Bill Richardson (5)
6. Chris Dodd (7)
7. Joe Biden (8)
8. Dennis Kucinich (9)
9. Wes Clark (10)
10. Al Sharpton (11)


1. John McCain (1)
2. Mitt Romney (2)
3. Rudy Giuliani (3)
4. Mike Huckabee (4)
5. Sam Brownback (5)
6. Newt Gingrich (6)
7. Tommy Thompson (7)
8. Duncan Hunter (8)
9. Jim Gilmore (9)
10. Chuck Hagel (10)

All you Gravel, Paul, Tancredo, Cox, and Savage supporters, feel free to leave your angry comments below.


At 10:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

There is more fluidity in the Democratic race than you think. You keep saying that HRC will cakewalk to the nomination, but that isn't so. If she wins it, it'll be after a fight.

For someone who paid so much attention to the Hillary/Obama/David Geffen dustup, and who giggled about it like a schoolgirl for days, I'd think you'd be paying closer attention to the actual campaigning on the Democratic, as well as Republican, side.


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