Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Presidential Power Rankings # 29

July 18, 2007


1. Hillary Clinton (1)
2. Barack Obama (2)
3. John Edwards (3)
4. Bill Richardson (4)
5. Al Gore (5)
6. Joe Biden (6)
7. Chris Dodd (7)
8. Dennis Kucinich (8)
9. Mike Gravel (9)
10. Wesley Clark (10)

No changes again this week. A new poll now places Bill Richardson ahead of John Edwards in NH, but based on Edwards' current position in Iowa, he stays in place.


1. Mitt Romney (1)
2. Fred Thompson (2)
3. Rudy Giuliani (3)
4. John McCain (4)
5. Mike Huckabee (5)
6. Newt Gingrich (6)
7. Sam Brownback (7)
8. Tommy Thompson (8)
9. Tom Tancredo (10)
10. Ron Paul (new)

The changes come way in the back of the pack. Based on Ron Paul's fundraising ability and his cadre of true believers, I feel it is appropriate to move him up to number 10, and Ton Tancredo, who also has a bit of a niche following up to number 9. Being dropped from the rankings are Duncan Hunter, who really impresses people in debates, but since there has not been one for a while, he has not been able to get any traction. Also, Jim Gilmore was the first Republican to end his campaign, and unfortunately for him, he did so while out of the top ten on this blog.


At 9:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with your rankings, but I think Paul has passed Tancredo. What will be interesting, is now Newt saying he would support Thompson. How does that affect Romney, Giuliani and Thompson.

At 11:41 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's a good point. I think Thompson will attract a great many conservatives, and when he enters the race will be shaken up quite a bit.


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