Sunday, July 30, 2006

Holdover U.S. Senators

Here is the list of the 2/3rds of the U.S. Senate who can afford to go on lengthy vacations and if they listen to Robert Wexler, might even be free to engage in cocaine and prostitutes, since they are not going to be facing the voters this year:

AL- Richard Shelby- R
AL -Jeff Sessions- R
AK- Ted Stevens-R
AK- Lisa Murkowski- R
AZ-John McCain-R
AR- Blanche Lincoln- D
AR- Mark Pryor- D
CA- Barbara Boxer- D
CO- Wayne Allard- R
CO- Ken Salazar- D
CT- Christopher Dodd- D
DE- Joe Biden- D
FL- Mel Martinez- R
GA- Saxby Chambliss- R
GA- Johnny Isakson- R
HI- Daniel Inoyue- D
ID- Larry Craig- R
ID- Michael Crapo- D
IL - Dick Durbin- D
IL - Barack Obama-D
IN- Evan Bayh- D
IA- Charles Grassley- R
IA- Tom Harkin- D
KS- Sam Brownback- R
KS- Pat Roberts- R
KY- Mitch McConnell- R
KY- Jim Bunning- R
LA- Mary Landrieu- D
LA- David Vitter- R
ME- Susan Collins- R
MD- Barbara Mikulksi- D
MA- John Kerry- D
MI- Carl Levin-D
MN- Norm Coleman- R
MS- Thad Cochran- R
MO- Christopher Bond- R
MT- Max Baucus- D
NE- Chuck Hagel- R
NV- Harry Reid- D
NH- Judd Gregg- R
NH- John Sununu- R
NJ- Frank Lautenberg- D
NM- Pete Domenici- R
NY- Chuck Schumer- D
NC- Elizabeth Dole- R
NC- Richard Burr- R
ND- Byron Dorgan- D
OH- George Voinovich- R
OK- Jim Inhofe- R
OK- Tom Coburn- R
OR- Ron Wyden- D
OR- Gordon Smith- R
PA- Arlen Specter- R
RI- Jack Reed- D
SC- Lindsey Graham-R
SC- Jim DeMint- R
SD- Tim Johnson- D
SD- John Thune- R
TN-Lamar Alexander- R
TX- John Cornyn- R
UT- Robert Bennett- R
VT- Patrick Leahy- D
VA- John Warner- R
WA- Patty Murray- D
WV- John Rockefeller-D
WI- Russ Feingold- D
WY- Mike Enzi- R

Hopefully, this list is complete and accurate. In case their was any confusion, there is no need for any of these Senators to pack up their office this year that we can think of.

So, when you liberals turn on CNN on Election Night, and Keith Olberman's and Chris Matthews' famlilies turn on MSNBC, and the rest of America turn on Fox News, the beginning balance of power will be:

40 Republicans
27 Democrats

That figure alone demonstrates that it will be pretty difficult for Democrats to win the majority in the U.S. Senate. Just on the basis of holdovers, the Republicans are just one vote away from being able to sustain a filibuster, and Trent Lott has not even been declared the winner in Mississippi yet.


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