Monday, May 21, 2012

March 28th (out of order)


American Idol Top 9 Rankings

This was an entertaining two hours, but the lengths I go to make rankings here cause me frustration, because tonight, for the first time in Idol history, we had three trio performances. Now, there is no way that those can be considered equivalent to the individual solo numbers. However, since they are musical performances by contestants on the nights that they are to be voted on, I have to be consistent to what I have done in past seasons, and rank them. Of course, this only gets further complicated by the fact that the solos and trios were done out of order. If I am to judge everything, the fairest possible thing to do, albeit highly flawed still, is to rank the first time everyone sings as Round 1 and the second time everyone sings as Round 2.

Overall, every performance, especially the solos were good tonight. Nonetheless, while this may be one of the deepest seasons ever in terms of talent, I found some vocal imperfections in everyone this evening. There was not one single performance that I would say blew me away from beginning to end. Still though, a very strong night overall. I will try to post a full recap somewhere between Sunday and Tuesday.

Round 1- worst to best

9. Phillip Phillips (trio) C+
8. DeAndre Brackensick (solo) B-
7. Colton Dixon (solo) B-
6. Heejun Han (solo) B-
5. Elise Testone (trio) B
4. Hollie Cavanagh (solo) B
3. Skyler Laine (solo) B
2. Jessica Sanchez (solo) B+
1. Joshua Ledet (trio) B+

Round 2- feels like such an odd result

9. Hollie Cavanagh (trio) B-
8. Jessica Sanchez (trio) B-
7. Skylar Laine (trio) B
6. Heejun Han (trio) B
5. Colton Dixon (trio) B
4. DeAndre Brackensick (trio) B
3. Joshua Ledet (solo) B+
2. Elise Testone (solo) B+
1. Phillip Phillips (solo) B+

For my final rankings, I had to average them together and break two separate three way ties"

9. Hollie Cavanagh
8. Colton Dixon
7. Heejun Han
6. DeAndre Brackensick
5. Phillip Phillips
4. Skylar Laine
3. Jessica Sanchez
2. Elise Testone
1. Joshua Ledet

Predictions? I have a feeling the bottom two will be Heejun again and Hollie for the first time. If Heejun finishes last, the judges will not save him. However, since she is a girl, I am going to guess that Hollie will be the surprise person at the bottom of the voting totals. Then, the judges may very well save her. It's bound to happen eventually.


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